Many manufacturers believe in traditional “long runs” for manufacture because it is supposed to be more efficient to run a big batch than to run several shorter batches that include changeovers. But the manufacturers that are leading their industries have found that …
Lean Tools: Mistake Proofing (Poka-Yoke)
At one time or another we have all put something together upside down or backwards and still have it fit. But then, it probably didn’t work as advertised when we turned it on or used it. Can someone do something …
Lean Applications: Sequencing
Now let’s talk a little about where you start to see these tools come together. One of our big examples and role models is The Toyota Production System. They revolutionized JIT techniques by sequencing their manufacturing of automobiles for mixed …
Lean Tools: Value Stream Mapping
When we look at the entire process behind a product, we get the overhead view of a “value stream.” We can break it up into all of its component pieces. Most processes start with a request for “action” or a product and …
Lean Tools: Zoning & Cellular Layouts
A cellular layout should provide all of the equipment, tools, work instructions, and materials to accomplish a single task or group of related tasks. It does not matter if the cell shape is a T, I, L, U, or …
Lean Tools: Kanbans
If you need to change the way you schedule materials, including internal and external suppliers, Kanbans may be the best tool to use. Traditional management systems like MRP may not support your plan to adopt Just-In-Time practices, lot size reductions, …
Lean Tools: Just-In-Time (JIT)
Every one of our activities in life could be called a process. From simple tasks like bathing and eating to complex tasks like designing and building rockets, the things we do are usually “work in progress” (WIP). When we examine our activities …
Lean Tools: Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs)
To ensure that your quality standards—in terms of consistency, effectiveness, efficiency, product quality, and others—are realized, you are required to document the step-by-step process that defines how you need to do the work you need to do. An SOP provides a baseline to answer the question: …
Lean Tools: Visual Controls
There are visual controls all around us every day. They tell us which lane to drive in, where to turn, where the dangerous areas are, and where to find the things we need. In the workplace, Visual Controls are used …
Lean Tools: Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
A continuous improvement program can be enhanced with a Total Productive Maintenance, or TPM program. TPM involves both the operators and the maintainers working together to improve the overall operation of the equipment. The operators are around the equipment all …